Original Artworks available for Sale

Email any enquiries to contact@darcellen.com

Oil Paintings

  • Darcelle Nesser Orangutan Rainforest Painting

    SOLD Between Two Fires

    Oil on Canvas

    24x 36 inches

    Photo inspiration: Jayaprakash Bojan.

    See more details about this painting in the Paintings Tab; inside the section about Death

  • Darcelle Nesser Pear Fruit Painting

    ***SOLD *** Self Portrait: If I was a Pear

    Oil on Canvas


    Price: $1250

  • A Painting of a Photo of Me at a Rug Store Looking at a Rug of a Painting of People Looking at a Rug at a Rug Market

    Oil (+24K Gold) on Canvas

    Darcelle’s third Oil Painting she has made. The first of its kind, this is Darcelle’s first piece of art not intended for any specific person except for herself.

    It is about the awe one feels when they see a piece of art that they can understand unlike anything else they understood before.

    Offers to purchase this painting will be considered but with careful selection and interview.

    Price: $7500 NZD (or negotiation on other offers)